Welcome to the site of the top Android with us and with the Game Pace 20 PES 2020 PSP for Android + new sets and the latest transfers + ordinary camera and PS4 from the media and Mega on the PSP games simulator for football fans
The advantages of this version have been modified by the latest transfers and new sets of teams for the year 2019 for all clubs and has been modified to work with all the weak and medium and powerful Android devices
And this is distinguished by the high graphics version and the Princess PS4 simulates playing in the SONY
(And semi-realistic wave) fairy version worthy of experience.
Play PSP games on your Android device, with high resolution with extra features! With PPSSPP Simulator is the best PSP emulator and is the best and only for Android system. It runs many games, but depending on the power of your device may not all work at full speed.
what's new :
* Full Vulcan support. Very fast on supported devices.
* GPS micro PSP and camera support (cause new permissions!)
* Arabic language support
* Fix Android widgets, screen scaling
* Fixed engineering problems in the Medal of Honor
* Perform instant withdrawals, determine Thrillville
* Tesselation devices from PSP Beziers and Splines PSP (used by a few games)
* Develop sustainable performance to avoid heat choking
* Various bugfixes and compatibility improvements
Download link :